出外一條龍在家一條蟲 = Me
This is a phrase that my mother used to describe me when I was in Taiwan. She could not understand why I was always exhausted whenever I got home. She complained that I could walk for days leading the hiking group through the mountains, or I could work through several nights to get my proposal completed for work. However, whenever I hit home, I would plop myself on the chair or in bed just like a zombie. Somehow, I could not convince her that I was capable of accomplishing anything at all. She used to say, “How on earth are you planning to manage your own household one day?”
I used to work long hours in Taiwan. When I was a student, I would leave home at 7:00 every morning to go to work and then go to school at night. After I graduated, I would work during the day at my office job and then quickly flag a taxi after work to get to Fu Jen or to the language centres for my evening classes. I would not get home until way passed 11:00 at night. On the weekends, I sometimes would have to go to the radio station to record the episodes for the children’s radio program or to prepare for the week’s lesson plans. Once a while, I might meet up with my friends on the weekend as well. I was not home most of the time. Of course, whenever I reached home, I was ready to crash!
Home was always the place where I could cut off all communication with the outside world. Now, I still work long hours. I leave home at 7:15 and usually get home after 6:00. Sometimes, I volunteer for programs in the evening. Home continues to be the last resort where I can have total freedom and relaxation. I love to be home where I could coop myself up all day long and do nothing, absolutely nothing! House work can wait. I guess I am just not cut out to be a housewife. Maybe my mom was right after all. I AM 一條蟲 inside and out. Hahahaha…. Shame on me!

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