After four months of blogging on the cyber space, I’ve got to enjoy
reading people’s weblogs. It is always warm and fuzzy to visit
those bloggers who are very easy going and do not mind sharing
their personal or family stories with total strangers like me.
(Sometimes, I do feel like being a little bit nosy for doing so.)
It is also invigorating to read those weblogs that are academics
oriented. Once a while, when I read about Taiwan’s education reform
or forever chaotic politics, I do get pumped up with frustration
and confusion. Occasionally, I wouldn’t mind sharing my thoughts or
offering my viewpoints if the blog host allows me to do so. Through
blogging, I’ve got to communicate and get acquainted with many nice
blog friends and scholars, which is quite a humbling

With the new start of another school year, it is time for me to
revisit the purpose and the direction of my blog. I keep this blog
in plain English because it is intended for my family and friends.
(Well, it was supposed to be in Chinese at first, but my Chinese
input pen and writing pad expired before I moved to this site.
Sigh….) I consider it a hassle to set passwords for my readers. My
original philosophy was that if I don’t want people to read it, I
will not post it out in the open. However, when the visitor counter
passed 11000 clicks, I started to re-evaluate my purpose and the
way I post my blog.

Some of the articles I posted on my blog are my personal life
stories. After discussing with a few family members, I was
encouraged to continue to write my personal and my family stories
because those stories are very important to me. I don’t mind
sharing my personal stories with people who truly enjoy reading my
blog, but do I really want to leave my writing out in the open for
everybody to view? It is a dilemma for me.

The other day when I searched my blog through a search engine, I
was surprised to discover my blog name was used to sign up at some
strange web sites. That was the reason why I decided to sign up
with the Creative Common for preventative purpose. It is a strange
world with a lot of weird people out there. I had encountered a few
of those trolls who quite enjoyed leaving gibberish nonsense or
inappropriate web links on my blog. I would love to continue to
share my stories, but do I really want to continue to post all my
writing in the open? It is a tough decision. I am debating…..

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