目前分類:P.D. and Tips for Teachers (21)

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I enjoy teaching my students to work on fun projects in class. A project is considered as a special assignment which is different from regular/daily homework. I know some teachers out there like to assign projects for students to complete at home but I don’t! The fact is there is no shortage of enthusiastic parents who would help their child complete the project. Personally, it is great to see how involved those parents are in their child’s school work. However, as a teacher, it is very difficult to assess a child’s accomplishment if the project were done with help at home. When Johnny brings the beautiful castle he has built at home to school, does that castle truly reflect what Johnny can do on his own or how he has applied his knowledge and problem solving skills? I often tell my students, “If the project was done perfectly with help from your mom and dad, should I give your parents an A, or should I give you an A?”

How about those children who don’t get sufficient parent support at home? We have plenty of parents who work so hard all day, sometimes with two jobs, just to support the family. I know for a fact that it is very difficult for these parents to provide any guidance to help their children with the basic homework. It would be too much to ask them if I have assigned something that the child has to construct at home. Many children already have the disadvantage of no home support. Do I just give up on those children’s potentials? I can’t let those children down.

As I was growing up, my parents never had time to help us with our homework. They had enough on their plate already. How could I expect them to help me with my work? Of course, I resented it as a child because I didn’t know better. Now, I can totally understand the struggle some families are going through. Anyway, I always have this simple principle regarding my class projects - I don’t assign any project for home, NOT AT ALL. Every single class project should be and would be done at school. The only project that I would assign to students would be something like the preparation for a formal speech presentation or newspaper report. I would usually teach the students how to do it in class and then they have to practise for their own presentation at home. Parents’ help is not necessary but they could simply be their child’s best audiences at home to cheer them on.

All the projects that I usually assign to my students would be completed in class. Weeks before each project, I would remind the class to bring materials to school. I encourage them to collect, reuse and recycle materials that could be used again for our project. Of course, I usually store these materials in my classroom before any project started, which has earned me a very negative title as the “packed rat” or "Marcos de Education" (Note 1). However, I could careless about what the other people call me. If my students could use the recycled materials to do wonderful things, then so be it! I would be very proud of that.

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Whenever an incident such as cheating or theft happened in the class, I always feel it is a sign of failure in the area of character development. A teacher has the responsibility to seize this teachable moment for teaching moral standards in class. It is not easy to deal with a case of theft because the school is not like a CSI crime scene investigator who can collect clues and evidence to prove who did it (although I would love to have some finger printing done, hehehe). What if we do know who did it, and then what? Do we have any way of knowing that this person would never steal again after the discipline? A thief would not stop stealing unless he has truly learned a lesson, thoroughly understands the consequences and, more importantly, is able to relate to the victim with empathy. It is my job as a teacher to teach the thief and all students and make sure that they have learned the lesson well.
 In the morning of the last day of school, I gathered all the students to the carpet area right after the morning announcement. I told the class that, for the last 12 years, Santa always visited my class on the last day of school before Christmas break; however, I was very disappointed that Santa did not show up to bring each person a small package this year. I told the class that I finally figured it out why he did not show up because one of us had done something terribly wrong in the class! (I know it was a white lie about Santa, but I needed to build up the climax.) I revealed to them that VT’s prizes were taken from his backpack yesterday and it was clearly that someone in our class did it. The whole class was very attentive and waited to hear what had happened to their dear friend VT.
I explained to the class that two of VT’s prized toys were taken from his backpack. Those were the rewards for VT’s hard work and now all his efforts had been stolen from him. It was very sad that VT had to experience what I had been through the other day when my toy kit was broken into. Now he could truly understand how I felt then. I told the class that VT has been everybody’s best friend and how could “WE” do this to our best friend? I confessed to them that I was truly saddened by this incident. A few students raised their hands to express how sorry they felt for VT and how angry they felt about this incident.
When I saw the class had generated some discussion to show their emotions with empathy and justice, I went further to emphasize that I was glad that many people had shown concerns for VT and I was pretty sure that the person who did it must be feeling really terrible for VT as well. At that point, I announced to the class that I would like to give everybody a chance to write a kind note to VT to tell him how each one of us was feeling. I also hoped that this culprit would admit what he did was wrong and then apologize to VT. No one needed to sign their name on the note. Again, I reinforced what I have been preaching to the class, “We all make mistakes but it is not acceptable to make the same mistake twice.” It was unfortunate that this person made a mistake by stealing the toys. Now we were willing to give this person a second chance to correct his wrong with honesty. We hoped to see a note of apology from this person to VT. We just wanted this person to finally live up to his true feeling (of guilt) by admitting it.” (Gosh, I was really taking a chance, wasn’t I?)

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As you have known by now, I am a designated Santa’s helper. Every year, my students would get a special package from “Santa” on the last day of school before Christmas. This year “Santa Moi” prepared a button toy for each student because we are currently studying the Pioneer Life and this traditional toy was a popular one for pioneer children. I also prepared a chapter book for each student. Unfortunately, Santa never got to deliver the package to my class this year! Here is the story.


I am a big “Scrooge” on myself, but I don’t mind spending money on my family or on my students. Whenever I see something that I could use for my lessons or to benefit my students, I would try my best to obtain the object to enhance my program. Last month, I discovered a special 3D magnet kit on sale. Immediately, I ordered it off the catalogue because I would be teaching Magnetism right after the New Year. What could be better than learning and playing with a box of magnetic sticks to build 3D structures? After I received the package in the mail, I opened the box to check if all 72 pieces were in tack and then put it away on the bookshelf behind my desk.

About three weeks ago while I was organizing my resources, I noticed that the brand new box of magnetic toy kit had been opened and all the colourful magnet sticks were gone. The only things left in the box were 15 magnetic iron balls out of the whole 72 pieces. Any stranger/outsider would have taken the whole box instead of picking out small colourful pieces. I was very upset because this must be an “inside” job, which meant that someone in my class took out the pretty colourful pieces from the box but was not smart enough to take the magnetic balls (a dumb thief in my view).

I had a big talk with the class about the theft after my discovery. I told them how disappointed I was with this “Grinch” who took the colourful magnetic pieces from the kit which I was hoping to use for our science experiment after the New Year. Now the thief had robbed the joy from the class by denying all of us a chance to a fun learning experience. I thought I did a pretty good job explaining to the class about the consequences and effects of this incident. However, I did not tell them that I suspected that someone in the class did it. I couldn’t! How could I? I certainly didn’t want to point the finger at anybody or paint the whole class under the cloud of suspicion. At least, I had my feelings known clearly to the class, I thought.

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This video lasts 1 hour and 25 minutes, and it's worth every minute of it! Just have a cup of tea or coffee beside you and enjoy it.

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch, who is dying from pancreatic cancer, gave his last lecture at the university on Sept. 18, 2007, before ... all » a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving talk, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.

I don't have time to write my feedback right away because I have a busy week ahead as well as many PT interviews this week; however, I would like to read yours if you have a few minutes to spare. (The link for the Chinese site. http://you.video.sina.com.cn/a/1326418/1/1.html)

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Title : Love Will Keep Us Alive 
by Eagles  (This is lyrics from www.lyrics007.com)

I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide

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We have novel studies for the Grade Three students. One of the novels that I would read with my students this year is Charlotte's Web. Ordinary Miracle, one of my favourite songs by the Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan, is used as the theme song for the movie, Charlotte's Web. Here is the video clip.

Sarah McLachlan-Ordinary Miracle

It’s not that unusual when everything is beautiful
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

The sky knows when it's time to snow
You don’t need to teach a seed to grow

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October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween for the Little Ones: Monster Mash

This is a popular tune for Halloween Party for the little ones at school. I'd better get my recipe for my Witches' Brew ready for this afternoon. Yahahahahahaha........(with a shrieking voice)! My kiddies just love me when they drink my secret potion with the ingredients of spider legs, toad blood, lizard tail,..., and a grain of salt. YahaHAHAHAHA(can not stop my shrieking laugh)!

I have to laugh because it will be a super hyperactive day today for the Halloween costumes and a sugar pumping day tomorrow. I am not too keen on either! Boo!

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It is quite popular right now. Some kids really like these two movies, High School Musical 1 and 2. I have never watched the movies, so I can not really give you the critique. My friend was telling me that his daughter in grade three could watch and listen to the songs all day long. Anyway, here is a couple of cute clips of the song, I Don't Dance, from the movie. The first one is the version that I like, and the second video clip is the kids' perferred version with lyrics. Enjoy it!

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The theme song for the Terry Fox video is a one-hit-wonder by the Proclaimers. Those two twin Scottish brothers were quite energetic nerdy looking punk rockers. I like them! Unfortunately, the lyrics may not be suitable for younger learners. Anyway, it is a fun song, so I would still post it here to share with all adult readers. BTW, the movie was great as well.

The Proclaimers

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

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I am not an architect, but I always like to visit old buildings, churches and castles. I am always fascinated and impressed with the forefathers’ architectural designs, artwork and the superb workmanship. Whenever I am immersed myself in the proximity of those buildings, the presence sometimes arouses me with a very overwhelming stimulation.
Two weeks ago when I was in Brugge, I finally broke down in tears when I was at the Church of the Lady of Peace. I am not a Catholic at all. In fact, I would call myself of being more spiritual than religious. I have tried to capture my moments there and search for words to describe my feelings inside the church but in vain. It was simply beyond words. I was surrounded by the sincerity of faith from people around me, the peaceful love of quietness, the magnitude of fine detailed artwork of Michelangelo in front of me, and the effort of preservations for all these spiritual treasures throughout hundreds of years. I was speechless but in awe with tears streaming down my cheeks. I did not want to leave….

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How to Create a Friendly World? (I've got a song for you.)

This is one of my favourite songs. It is very easy to lose a good friend, but it takes a while to make a good one. For all my friends and readers out there, cherish the friendship that you've got and offer a hand to help a needy friend out there.  Sometimes, all you need to do is to offer a friend your firm shoulder to lean on for a while or to have a good cry.

Lean on Me
by Al Green

Some times in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.
But, if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

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This is a very powerful slide show, so I think I should just post it here again to share with the readers. Many schools use it as a conversation starter. The creator for the slides has a web site that you should also check it out. Watch the slides and visit their web site afterwards. Here it is. http://shifthappens.wikispaces.com/

The following is the older version of Did You Know?

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The last week of school was very hectic. We had to move classroom from the portable into the new building in the hottest two days of the year. Why? That’s another story! Meanwhile, I was also busy shopping for prizes promised to my students. One group of students that I had to shop for was the Cool-lit Club members.

I wrote a blog article about the reading club that I took charge of twice a week after school on May 13. The club finally came to the end on June 14. We had all the students filled out the final survey and organized a big party for the participants. I knew they liked to come to Cool-Lit Club because of the treats and special attention given to them during the small group reading time. As their lead teacher, I was very proud of their consistent effort over those 12 weeks span. So, I promised that any student with full attendance record would be rewarded with a little prize. I tried to avoid the Hawthorne Effect (Note 1), so I did not tell them about the prize in advance. I waited till the end because I don’t want those students attending Cool Lit Club only for the prize.

At the party, I promised all students to return their journal back to them at the year end, and a little prize will be included for the students with perfect attendance record. To my surprise, the attendance rate for the club was extremely high. Honestly, I had to shop for almost 40 students. I got each junior student a cook book, Cooking for Children, and an I Spy book for each primary student. Now you probably would think that what an expensive present for a 10 year old who may not use it at all! Well, I thought so at first; however, the price was right for me, only a dollar each, and it is very well packaged. I did spend a lot of time, maybe too much time, shopping around for my students. It is still a very brave move in my part at the end to get them the cookbook. I did it because I thought they really enjoyed reading the recipes, the cooking and the baking experiences.

A few days later at the staff party, my co-worker told me that the cookbook that I gave them was a good idea. Some kids already commented on what they would like to cook. A few girls were talking about cooking food to sell as a business. (hahahahahaaa). Then they said they can make a flyer to advertise and design their own business cards to promote their food. Oh, my Goodness! What more can I ask for! Those are exactly what I would like to see in the future for our students, to be able to apply their reading to real life practice. During those long twelve weeks, these students, who normally disliked reading, learned to read instructions to cook at one centre and use computer software to design their flyers and business cards at another centre. Now, they could talk about using all those activities to help them pursue a dream, or even just to talk and plan about their dream. That’s amazing for a group of Grade 4 students!

After the survey, my teaching assistant did the tally for me for their pre- and post-survey. The result was amazing! All of them showed positive change on their overall attitude towards Reading. Ten percent of the students showed extremely significant improvement (100% turn around) on their attitude change. What can I say? As a teacher, if I could make a difference on one, one child alone, I would be so happy. Here we have a group of students who seem to enjoy reading so much now because they know there are more to it in reading. They truly understand what reading is all about- it is a life skill! It is impossible for teachers to teach students everything in life. We can only instill the passion for learning and show them the paths and the tools to continue their life long learning of their own in the future. (Note 2)

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Superman (It's Not Easy)

John Ondrasik (Five for Fighting) is a great musician in my view. A few of his songs should be quite familiar to listeners in Taiwan. I admire him because he is one of those musicians who have made it to the top but still care about the world around. If you like his songs, please buy his CDs and visit his web sites to help the world.

The song "Superman" has very simple lyrics and could be of high interest to many male ESL learners because of the TV show Samllville and the new Superman movie. 

His official web site:  http://www.fiveforfighting.com/ 

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It is almost reaching that graduation time. I bet many of you arethinking about songs with lyrics that would bring inspiration tomotivate students. Here are two of those songs that I reallyenjoy.

If you do like these songs, I suggest that you should go and buy theseCDs. It is always handy to have "tools" when you need them. Thesevideos are only used to give teachers some ideas about teaching English through media literacy. That is the beauty of using media to teach English because you can findall kinds of materials around you, such as a brochure, a poster, a recipe or a song, to teach the language. In fact,you can get even deeper and more advanced to view the making of YOU RAISE ME UP asanother lesson for older students. (I used to teach adults inTaiwan. Sometimes, you have to make your teaching fun!)

I just taught a group of primary students to read the instructions for the game, Monopoly, this afternoon. Those students all claimed that they knew how to play the game. So, with their prior knowledge, it should be very easy to get into reading and understanding the instructions. At the end, they were amazed that they did not know all the rules. Some adults never like to read instructions either. It always amazes me that people can not follow simple instructions to put together a piece of furniture they bought. (Hahaha. I have the first hand experience! I used to work at a furniture store as a store manager.) We just have to teach them when they are young, I guess.

Sung by R. KELLY

"I Believe I Can Fly"

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  • May 22 Tue 2007 02:11
  • Mama

My Favourite Group- Il Divo
My husband and I went to their concert a year ago on Valentine's Day. I love their voice. I have been a fan since day one. This song is great for Mother's Day. Words are simple enough for some older ESL students.

Mama, thank you for who I am 
Thank you for all the things I'm not 
Forgive me for the words unsaid 
For the times I forgot 
Mama remember all my life 
You showed me love, you sacrificed 
Think of those young and early days 

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We run an extra-curricular activity twice a week after school forstudents who are not strong in reading. It was made clear to us that it is impossible to improve their reading abilities in two months (20 hours);however, we hope that their attitude towards reading will bechanged at the end of this two-month program. All the students admitted to the program are lacking behind their peers in reading. Some ofthem are also showing behavior problems in class.

According to some research, boys tend to learn differently thangirls. Many testing results also proved that boys’ readingperformances lack behind girls’ at the elementary school (K toGrade 8) level; therefore, we decided to group all boys togetherinto groups of five or six. We focus on media literacy thatencompasses reading materials full of a variety of topicsand interests. Students are taught to read instructions foractivities such as games, recipes, science experiments, tourbrochures, and arts and craft.

So far, I could tell that boys in the small group learn welltogether. In fact, they are better listeners than girls in thesmall group. Girls tend to socialize a lot through out the sessionand forget that their task at hand is to read the instruction andcomplete the activity. Boys, on the other hand, are very taskoriented. They want to finish reading the instruction and get tothe hands-on activity as soon as possible. It was very obvious thatboys are very interested in this type of reading program followedwith hands-on activity.

We did a survey before launching the program to find out theirattitude towards reading and how they see themselves as a reader.Before the end of this program in June, we will conduct another oneto measure if there is any significant change in their attitudetowards reading. It would be interesting to see the result. We hopethis program will make a difference to inspire a few more studentsto enjoy reading.

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In every October, I usually pick Canadian Pioneer Life as the theme for my Grade 3 class. It is one of the subject areas for elementary Social Studies in Ontario curriculum. Last October, my class went on a field trip to visit a Pioneer Village. While we were reenacting in a pioneer one-room schoolhouse, the lady who dressed up as a teacher from the past taught my students about the routine in her pioneer schoolhouse. One of the routine instructions was “a thought of the day", which became the motto for my class. My lovely students just adopted the thought immediately, and I was quite happy to "emphasize it" through out the year. It is a great motivational tool to those little kids who are trying to advance themselves. We had a big lesson on this motto. The sentences from the teacher of the past have made a big impact on my students! You are welcome to share it with your own children at home or students in your class.


Whatever you do,

Do with your might.

Things done by half

Are never done right.

Unfortunately, we only learned about "one" thought for that day. Some of my students should be put in a pioneer school to learn a few more. Hahahaha. 

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This is a very simple song for ESL learners. It is very easy to learn with the subtitle. It is also kind of sweet for Asian students. The song writer is a very talented gentleman from Hong Kong. The singer also has a cute voice. I am not sure whether it has been out for a while in Asia or not. I heard of this song a while ago, but I am kind of out of touch with a lot of popular trends or fashion styles in Asia anyway. Plus, I was never a fashion follower in my other life in Taiwan. I like the song, and I happened to find it on YouTube. So, any ESL teacher who just needs a pop song to motivate their students, here you go. Go to the YouTube site and find it. Do tell students about the copyright issue when downloading from any website.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h1a10qWUos






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I am not techno-savvy, but it is fun to learn new tricks. This song "Mad World" is a remake from Tears for Fears' original song. I like both versions. The old one has that New Wave flare (that tells you how old I am. Ha.Ha..), but the new one has a very errie feeling to it. Anyway, enjoy the new one sung by a Canadian musician, Gary Jules. I have to credit TotoDuchie for the help on this one. If you are interested in adding a clip to your site, please visit the forum for Wretch BLOG.

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