
In every October, I usually pick Canadian Pioneer Life as the theme for my Grade 3 class. It is one of the subject areas for elementary Social Studies in Ontario curriculum. Last October, my class went on a field trip to visit a Pioneer Village. While we were reenacting in a pioneer one-room schoolhouse, the lady who dressed up as a teacher from the past taught my students about the routine in her pioneer schoolhouse. One of the routine instructions was “a thought of the day", which became the motto for my class. My lovely students just adopted the thought immediately, and I was quite happy to "emphasize it" through out the year. It is a great motivational tool to those little kids who are trying to advance themselves. We had a big lesson on this motto. The sentences from the teacher of the past have made a big impact on my students! You are welcome to share it with your own children at home or students in your class.


Whatever you do,

Do with your might.

Things done by half

Are never done right.

Unfortunately, we only learned about "one" thought for that day. Some of my students should be put in a pioneer school to learn a few more. Hahahaha. 

Do you have a thought of the day to share?


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