
I have been surfing the Net, and quite enjoy reading blogs online.I am so grateful that so many people are willing to share theirlife experiences with total strangers. It reminds me of the olddays in any small town in Taiwan where people’s front doors were wideopen, and neighbours were welcomed to drop in to visit each other at any time. In fact, it was the same in Canada years ago that we didnot have to lock our front doors or cars. These are from time ofthe past, of course.

Nowadays, people are very private and keep to themselves, soneighbours don’t know each other very well. That is exactly why I think it is so refreshing to see peopleopenly and willingly post their thoughts on the blogging sites. Itis also a humbling experience to find out that people share andexchange ideas, recipes, and life experiences, and they are genuinelythankful for suggestions. So, when I see people post questions asking for assistance, especially regarding research on teachingand education, I was quite glad to give my two cents. I don’t claimto be the expert, but I certainly think that I have given the bestof my knowledge from my experiences. Unfortunately, now I realizedthat maybe I should be a little more cautious when offering myopinions. In fact, I was a bit ticked off by this littlebump.

The other day when I was cruising and reading blogs, I happened tocome by an article posted by a blogger asking for help. She wantedsome guidance to help her sister complete a research paper on theeducation system reform in Taiwan. Well, being an enthusiastic andpassionate person about education, I immediately left a longmessage to suggest what her sister could do and where to locateinformation. I thought I was just being helpful. After that, I didnot go back to visit her blog until today.

Well, well! I was very annoyed when I saw the message she left tocommunicate with her friend. She openly left an unpleasant messageto one of her friends that she does not know me, and does not knowwhy I left the message to her. Hello, am I out of line here? Maybe,she was intimidated by the long message, or could it be the messagein English? My input pen pad is not working, so I have no choice but to write in English. I kept going back to read my message over a few times to see if there is a problem. I just simply answered her cry for help!

As far as I am concerned, if you posted an article openly (notsealed) on your blog asking for help, you should expect that peoplemight come to your assistance. That was the reason why I dropped byand left messages on her blog to help out. When you sign up ablog, you do have a choice whether the blog is going to be openfor everybody in the public to visit, or to set it up for privatecommunication only, or at least, you have the option to seal the messages when necessary.

It is all about manners! I think basic courtesy should be anintegral part of blogging or any other communication means. Thehost does have the right to decide whether they like the messagesor not, especially there are unknown cyber-intruders everywhereonline. On the other hand, when you asked for a favour and actuallyreceived one, gratitude should be acknowledged. At least, itcertainly would be nice to thank the person who left the messageeven though it may not be helpful anyhow. If you are really nothappy with the help you received, at least you could seal thenegative criticism between you and your friend. Come on, it is basicdecency to keep the garbage to yourself!

For me, this is definitely a lesson learned. Maybe I am too oldschool. I guess I’d better keep my mouth shut from now on. I amreally annoyed!

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    My Corner for Education

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