I met Jenny when she first sent her son Eric to my Chinese class 14 years ago. Our relationship as parent and teacher has grown into solid friendship over the years. She is just like my family here in Canada. She knows that my family is all in Taiwan. Whenever I am coming down with illness, she would be the first one to check on me, which is something that only a family member would do.
I taught Jenny's youngest son Eric at our local Chinese School for 3 years. I ended up quitting that position because I was too busy with my day school job and needed a break on the weekend. Jenny's daughter, Amy, who was a student at University of Toronto then, took over half of my Chinese class. Time flies. I can't believe that the young high school girl I met 14 years ago is now ready to step into another stage of her life. Her husband-to-be, Sean, is a caring young man who has a good plan for his career and his family. My husband and I would like to wish them luck for their future plan.
The Lees are all in Taiwan right now for the big day on June 16. Unfortunately, someone (moi) has to stay here to work till the end of June and will not be able to attend their wedding. Let's share their joy on the blog with all my readers. Congratulations to Sean and Amy!
*For their big day, I've attached a popular wedding music here to play on my blog, Canon in D Major, by Johann Pachelbel.