
What a Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My report cards were due last Wednesday. What a relief when I sawall the printed reports in my mailbox! I thought all I needed to donow was just to proofread them! Surprisingly, right at the end ofthe day we were called into the staff room for an emergencymeeting. I was on traffic duty out in front of the school when myprincipal came out to call me in, which usually meant it must beBAD news. Sure enough, it was really bad!

We found out that we had to move out of the portables into the newclassrooms by the end of Friday. What! It was late Wednesdayafternoon, and students were supposed to be at their seats in thenew room by Friday afternoon? We were more than surprised. Everyoneimmediately put up this major panic mode. It would not be easy toteach and move at the same time unless we could get some help.Well, the only help we would have was from the custodial staff. Wegot five extra custodians for 4 hours on Friday to help move allthe heavy furniture. Four hours of five custodians for twentyteachers!

As you could imagine, when we heard of the news, all twentyaffected teachers were just hopping mad about the decision. All wecould think of was that it has been 30 degrees out there every daywithout any moving air. Some teachers have almost 30 kids in ascorching hot portable. Forget about teaching, now imagine they aresupposed to pack, move and set up the empty room with 30 rowdy kidsat the same time.

It was not an easy decision either. We had to follow this drasticmove because of safety reasons. Apparently, the hydro would bedisconnected in each portable in order to attach the new intercomand security system in the new classrooms. We could not have hydroin the portables or both sections, which posed as a major safetyissue for us because we would not have any communication with theoffice. In a portable out there, strangers could easily get in, andaccidents or any emergency could happen anytime. We can’t risk ourchildren for this kind of logistic nightmare. Did we have a choiceother than hopping mad? Hahahhaha.

Well, we did it! (Sort of) We all moved out of the portables byFriday afternoon. My students were dismissed at the new room. Theyall helped move books and supplies to the new class. I called in asupply teacher to use up my bonus vacation days which were given tome by the school board for my volunteer contributions to run asocial program at school. I had a supply teacher in my room for twodays while I was moving myself and others out. I helped out theother teachers as a school volunteer because, technically, I wasnot supposed to be in the school premise when I was on paidvacation leave. With the permission from the principal (what canshe say), I donated my two days to help myself and a few otherclasses. Anyway, by the end of Friday, we were all exhausted butthe task was done!

Now I can go back to my report cards which the final prints are nowdue again on Wednesday. Once I have finished with that one, I willbe able to sit down by my desk and sort through each and everypacked box afterwards. I know this job will never end until I getkicked out by the custodian in July when the vacation comes.Teachers are a different breed of professionals. We have completedcountless Mission Impossible like this one, but how many MissionImpossible are there to come? I shudder!

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    My Corner for Education

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