
To friends who enjoy visiting my blog every day:

I am very sorry to post this message here. As a teacher, I thought I have the duty to speak up and educate this particular blogger who has been leaving nonsense on my blog. I just want all of you to know that I welcome all visitors. I am very grateful for the kind messages I have received from many readers. Whether you agree with my view or not, words posted openly should be exchanged with good manners. I am an educator and that’s just what I believe in and how I preach to my students. The following letter is posted only for the person (or the persons) who seem to visit frequently with ill intention.


Dear Troll (or Trolls),

I don’t know why you are leaving gibberish messages on my blog, and I do not know nor care about your intention. If you are so much inclined, why don’t you leave a clear message to me? I would be willing to read and respond to you, either in English or in Chinese. I can write in Chinese, but I just haven’t got the time to fix my Chinese input keypad yet. If you want to leave a message in languages other than Chinese or English, I pretty much can find a way to read it, too. If you have an issue with me personally, why don't you express it to me and let’s sort it out? Seal the message if you want. But, no gibberish, PLEASE!

Somehow, you seem to pay special attention to one of my articles- “I am annoyed”. You have left quite a few gibberish messages on my blog. Maybe you are “the one”, or maybe you are exactly like “the type” of person that I have described in my article, who doesn’t seem to have any manners or decency to leave a “real” message. You are behaving like a school bully who only gives cheap shots in the dark. I wrote the article because I have seen people who are rude to each other online. I personally have no problem with bloggers who speak their mind and accept only viewpoints that are to their liking. It is freedom of speech! I, however, do have issues with people who requested assistance from other bloggers but ended up trashing the helpers instead. They think that they can hide on the other side of the computer terminal and say whatever they want. 

I guess I had a false impression when I started blogging. I thought all bloggers who posted “openly” on the web-blog are people with vision for the future- the global village finally becomes a reality. (hahaha, I guess not!) Blogging is a new world invention and we need to realize that we still need to maintain some standard of order. I love to help people who request for help. I appreciate those people who openly share their stories with total strangers. I always respect people who respect themselves and others as well. 

Whenever I leave a message on a stranger’s blog, I always do it with good faith, sincere intention and respect because my message reflects my personal values. You probably have a different set of values, but I have a message for you though, little troll. If you don’t enjoy reading my blog that much, please do not come to visit my blog again! I don’t know why you wasted your time and kept coming back. I set up my blog for people who do not mind reading my thoughts whether they agree with me or not. The good thing about “freedom of speech” is that all my readers, including you, are welcome to leave a note to tell me about your thoughts. So far, you only showed me that you are a mean person who only thinks gibberish, writes gibberish, and does stupid act with gibberish. I just don’t know why on earth that you would frequently perform this kind of “COWARD” act on my blog.

In fact, your frequent visit just makes my blog more popular than ever. Look at the visitor count; I can not believe that I have passed 5000 already. Maybe, most of the 5000 clicks were from you, judging by all the gibberish messages that you have left me in one day alone. I guess I have to thank you for doing this then. With that kind of effort and spare time, you probably should really channel your energy to do something more productive, such as volunteering for charities or exploring some other interests. Get a hobby, perhaps. There are lots of people out there who need help, and people who can help you. Why do you waste your time trolling my blog if you don’t even enjoy being here? I am asking you to stop your nonsense. I think it is time for you to exit politely and TAKE A HIKE.




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